
Android Architecture

Android Architecture

Android operating system is a group of software components and its architecture is divided into five parts:

  • Linux kernel: It is the bottom layer of the Android architecture with around 115 patches. Linux kernel is just like the heart of android architecture as it exists at the root (bottom) layer. Several responsibilities of the Linux kernel include the management of power, device drivers, memory, and access to other resources. 
  • Libraries: Libraries exist at the second bottom layer of Android architecture. These libraries include OpenGL, SQLite database, WebKit, C runtime library, SSL library and Media. It also includes android libraries such as, android.OpenGL, android.text, android.view, etc. 
  • Android Runtime: In this category, the core libraries are used. This category exists parallel to Libraries at the second bottom layer of its architecture. It is responsible to run android applications. 
  • Android Framework: Now this category exists on the top of libraries and android runtime. It includes android APIs that include content providers, locations, telephony, UI, package managers, and resources. 
  • Android Applications: So this is the top layer of Android architecture that is responsible for various applications of android such as home, menu, settings, contact, games, mail, and browsers. 

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