- Angular is a framework for building client applications in HTML, CSS and either JavaScript or a language like typescript that compiles to JavaScript.
- TypeScript is most common for end user because Angular is written with TypeScript language which is the superset of JavaScript, it provides type safety.
- Angular is an open source, JavaScript-based web application development Framework written, maintained and developed by angular team at Google. The father of Angular is Misko Hevery.
- Angular is most popular web development JavaScript framework used for developing Web(browsers), desktop as well as mobile application called IONIC, so it is not limited to Web application only.
- By Angular Developer Guide book -*Angular is a platform and framework for building single page client application (SPA) in HTML and TypeScript. Angular Itself written in TypeScript. It implements core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import in your applications*.
- Angular is open-source. That means the source code of angular is available online for free of cost.
- Angular is cross-platform. That means it works in all the operating systems
- Angular is cross-browser compatible framework. That means it works in all the browsers, except less than IE 9 (which is completely outdated).
- Angular 2+ version is based on the component structure. The component is a class, which represent particular part or section of the web page.
- Angular targeting to modern browsers and it is developing using ES6 (The ES6 is called ECMAScript version6). It also supports to ECMAScript version 5(ES5). We don’t need to concern about ECMAScript versions. The ES6 compiler manages to the versioning related issues.
- Angular is mainly focus on to create "data bindings". That means, we create relationship between a variable and html element; When the value of the variable is changed, the same will be automatically affected in the respective html element and vice versa. Hence the developer need not write any code for DOM manipulations (updating values of html tags, based on user requirements. for example, updating the list of categories when a new category added by the user). Thus, the developer can fully concentrate on the application code logic, instead of writing huge code for DOM manipulations. So, we can achieve clean separation between "application logic" and "DOM manipulations"
- Angular can be used in combination with any server-side platform such as Java, C#, Asp.Net, PHP, Python etc.
- At the time of writing this blog, Angular Latest version is Angular 12
- Angular bootstrapping is a process of initializing or starting or loading Angular application manually. It offers more control over the loading of the application. This process creates the components mentioned in the bootstrap array and later each one gets inserted into the browser(DOM). Angular application is loaded or bootstrapped based on the configuration.
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Angular 7
Angular 7
Angular 7 Overview Prerequisites to Learn Angular What is TypeScript? Versions of TypeScript How Angular was design or History of Angular? Versions of Angular What is Angular JS? What is Angular (Version2 and above)? Differences between AngularJS (1.0) and Angular Angular Advantages or Why we use Angular Angular Features Browser Compatibility of Angular 2+ versions Angular Architecture and Building blocks of Angular Types of Compilation in Angular Just-In-Time compilation (JIT) Ahead-of-Time compilation (AOT) Introduction of Angular 7 New features of Angular 7What is Angular (Version2 and above)?
< What is Angular JS?
Differences between AngularJS (1.0) and Angular >
< What is Angular JS?
Differences between AngularJS (1.0) and Angular >
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