Data Science

Slope and Intercept in Data Science

Slope and Intercept in Data Science

Before we learn linear regression, we need to know the equation of a straight line. We have already learned the slope of a line.

It is given as the tangent of the angle made by a straight line with  𝑥 -axis in the anti-clockwise (or counter-clockwise) direction.

Consider the straight line shown below. Let its equation be



𝑦  is the  𝑦 -coordinate of the point lying on the line

𝑥  is the  𝑥 -coordinate of the point lying on the line

𝑚  is the slope of the line

𝑐  is the intercept made by the line on the  𝑦 -axis

Note: The above form of the equation of a straight line is called the slope-intercept form. There are other forms as well. But for the sake of learning linear regression, we will stick to the slope-intercept form only.

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