Flux is an architectural pattern used for managing unidirectional data flow in React components. It provides a clear structure for separating application logic from presentation layers so that code remains organized and more maintainable over time – which ultimately leads to better performance and scalability of apps built with it! Additionally, it also helps ensure that actions performed on one component do not lead to unexpected results elsewhere due to its strict rules governing how data should move through the system.
The main components of a Flux architecture are
● Actions: These are the events that are triggered by the user or the system, such as a button click.
● Dispatcher: This is the central hub that receives the actions and distributes them to the appropriate stores.
● Stores: These are the components that hold the state of the application. They receive the actions from the dispatcher and update the state accordingly.
● Views: These are the React components that represent the user interface. They receive the state from the stores and render the appropriate view.
Flux applications have a unidirectional data flow. This means that data flows in only one direction: from the actions to the store to the view.
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React JS
React JS
Introduction to React JS History of ReactJS Benefits of React JS Virtual DOM Cons of React JS Prerequisites for Learning ReactJS What is ES6 ReactJS - Environment Setup ReactJS - JSX ReactJS - Components ReactJS - State ReactJS - Props Overview ReactJS - Props Validation ReactJS - Component Life Cycle ReactJS - Events ReactJS - Refs ReactJS - Keys ReactJS - Router ReactJS - Flux concept ReactJS - Higher order Components ReactJS - Best PracticesReactJS - Flux concept
< ReactJS - Router
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< ReactJS - Router
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