
PPT - Backstage View

PPT - Backstage View

Microsoft updated the old file menu with the new Backstage view in Office 2010. This view displays not only all of the file menu items, but also additional information that makes file administration much easier.

Getting to Backstage View

The Backstage view can be accessed by just clicking the File tab. By clicking on any tab, you can escape this view (including the File tab again). You can also use the keyboard's 'Esc' button.

Backstage View's Organization

There are three parts or panes in the backstage view.

The First Pane: The first pane is the commands pane, which contains all of the commands that were previously found in the file menu or under the Microsoft Office Button. You also have the Options menu, which allows you to customize the program's options, such as the ribbon.


  1. Save
  2. Save As
  3. Open
  4. Close
  5. Info: The current file's information is displayed.
  6. Recent: Lists a sequence of PowerPoint files that have been recently viewed or updated.
  7. New
  8. Print
  9. Save and Send: Allows you to distribute your presentation to a larger audience via email, the web, cloud services, and other methods.
  10. Help
  11. Options: Allows you to customize several aspects of the PowerPoint application.
  12. Exit

The Second Pane: The subcommands pane is the second pane. This will display a list of all related commands to the main command you selected in the first pane. For example, if you choose Print in the first pane, the second pane allows you to select the printer and change the print parameters.

The Third Pane: This is the preview or file information page in the third pane. This pane will either display the file's properties or offer you a preview of the file, depending on the command and subcommand you select.

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