Natural Language Processing

NLP – Inception

NLP – Inception

A text-annotation environment called inception is helpful for a variety of tasks involving the annotation of written text. Annotations are typically used to address linguistic and/or machine-learning issues. Inception is a web application that allows multiple users to collaborate on the same annotation project at the same time. It includes a recommender system to help you create annotations more quickly and easily. A corpus can be created in addition to annotating by searching an external document repository and adding documents.

Natural Language Grammar: Language is both creative and rule-governed; it is both innate and universal. The term "grammar" in linguistics refers to the norms or principles that underpin the operation of language.
Components of Language: The language under study is separated into several interconnected parts, both conventional and arbitrary divisions of linguistic study. 

  1. Phonology: The study of a specific language's speech sounds. Phonetics, a branch of phonology, is the study of speech sounds used in human language from the viewpoints of their production, perception, or physical characteristics.
  2. Phonemes: One way to define it is as one of the sonic units that distinguish one word from another in a language. Phonemes are separated by slashes in linguistics.
  3. Morphology: Morphology is concerned with the principles of word formation in a language. To put it another way, how sounds combine to form meaningful units such as prefixes, suffixes, and roots. It also takes into account how words can be classified as parts of speech.
  4. Lexeme: The term "lexeme" refers to the abstract morphological analysis unit that describes the range of forms that a single word can take. A lexeme's grammatical category determines how it should be used in a sentence. Lexemes can be single words or groups of words.
  5. Syntax: The order and grouping of words into larger units are the subjects of this study.
  6. Semantics: It is the research into how meaning is expressed. The context of a sentence's meaning can be determined by its grammar or by its relationship to the outside world.
  7. Pragmatics: It focuses on how language works and how it is applied in various situations.

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