React JS

ReactJS - Props Overview

ReactJS - Props Overview

Props, short for properties, are a way to pass data from a parent component to a child component and serve as inputs for each element’s behavior. They are similar to function arguments and are used to pass data from the parent component to the child component. They can also be used for passing down states between different elements in order to keep track of changes made during user interaction with the UI. Additionally, it is important to note that all props must have unique keys, so they do not conflict with each other when multiple copies exist within an application – this helps maintain consistency across all elements while still allowing developers flexibility when designing their interfaces! 
Let us look at a parent component that renders a child component and passes it a prop: import React from 'react'; 

import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent'; 
function ParentComponent() { 
return <ChildComponent name="React" />; 
export default ParentComponent; 

In this example, the parent component is passing a prop called name with a value of "React" to the child component. 
Here is an example of a child component that receives the name prop and renders it in a heading: 

import React from 'react'; 
function ChildComponent({ name }) { 
return <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>; 
export default ChildComponent; 

In this example, the child component receives the name prop as an argument and uses it to render dynamic content. 
Props can also be passed to a component using destructuring assignment in the function parameters 

function ChildComponent({ name, age }) { 
return <h1>Hello, {name}! Your age is {age}</h1>; 
Props can also have default values, if a prop is not passed, the default value will be used. 
ChildComponent.defaultProps = { 
age: 18 

Props using JSX element: 

<ChildComponent name="React" age={25}/> 

Props can also be passed to a component using spread operator, for example 

const props = {name: "React", age: 25} 
<ChildComponent {...props}/> 

It's important to note that props are read-only, which means that a component cannot change its own props. If a component needs to update its own state, it should use state instead of props. 

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