CSS - Syntax

CSS - Syntax

The fundamental objective of the Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) language is to permit a document to add style components of the page with explicit elements, similar to tones, situating, or designs. The property is an identifier, that is an intelligible name, that characterizes which element is thought of. The worth depicts how the element should be dealt with by the motor. Every property has a bunch of legitimate qualities, characterized by a conventional syntax, just as a semantic significance, executed by the program motor. Hence, the syntax of CSS is as follows:

Property1: value1; 
Property2: value2; 




This is the HTML component name toward the beginning of the ruleset. It characterizes the element(s) to be styled (in this model, <p> components). To style an alternate component, change the selector. 

  • Properties 

These are manners by which you can style an HTML component. (In this model, shading is a property of the <p> components.) In CSS, you pick which properties you need to influence in the standard. 

  • Values

To one side of the property—after the colon—there is the property estimation. This picks one out of numerous potential appearances for a given property. (For instance, there are many shading esteems notwithstanding red.) 

  • Note the other significant pieces of the syntax: 

    • Aside from the selector, each ruleset should be enclosed by wavy supports. ({}) 
    • Inside every statement, you should utilize a colon (:) to isolate the property from its worth or qualities. 
    • Inside each ruleset, you should utilize a semicolon (;) to isolate every affirmation from the following one.

Choosing multiple components 

You can likewise choose different components and apply a solitary ruleset to every one of them. Separate various selectors by commas. For instance: 

Selector1, Selector2, Selector3{
Property1: value1; 
Property2: value2; 

Various sorts of selectors 

There is a wide range of kinds of selectors. The models above use component selectors, which select all components of a given kind. In any case, we can make more explicit determinations too. Here is a portion of the more normal kinds of selectors:


Selector name

What does it select


Element selector (now and then called a tag or type selector)

All HTML components of the predetermined type.


selects <div>

ID selector

The component on the page with the predetermined ID. On a given HTML page, every id worth ought to be unique.


Selects <div id=“id_name”> or <p id=“id_name”>

Class selector

The element(s) on the page with the predefined class. Various examples of a similar class can show up on a page.


Selects <div class=”class_name”> or <p class=”class_name”>

Attribute selector

The element(s) on the page with the predefined attribute.


Selects <img src="myimage.png"> but not <img>

Pseudo-class selector

The determining element(s), yet just when in the predefined state. (For instance, when a cursor floats over a link.)

a: hover

Selects <a>, but only when the mouse pointer is hovering over the link.

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