James Gosling and his team first developed Java at Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle) in the early 1990s. The language was designed with the goal of creating a platform-independent programming language that could be used for developing interactive television and other consumer electronic devices.
Java's first public release was in 1995, and it quickly gained popularity as a language for developing web-based applications. Today, Java is widely used for developing various applications, including web, mobile, desktop, and enterprise software.
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Introduction to Java History of Java Features of Java Applications of Java Java - Environment Setup Compiling and Running the Java Program Java - Object & Classes Java - Constructors Basic Datatypes in Java Java Variable Types Modifier Types in Java Operators in Java Loop Control n Java Decision Making in Java Numbers in Java Characters and Strings in Java Arrays in Java Date & Time in Java Regular Expressions Methods in Java Files in Java Exceptions in Java Inner classes in Java OOPS in JavaHistory of Java
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