
Review Presentation PPT

Review Presentation PPT

Reviewing the presentation can be a very effective technique to catch faults and improve the slides. You may use PowerPoint to review your work in a variety of ways. Some are automated or driven by technology, while others assist other users in collaborating and reviewing the slides. The Review ribbon contains all of the reviewing tools.

  1. Proofing:
    1. Spell Checking - Identify spelling and grammar based on your preferred language.
    2. Research - Language research tools based on specialized reference books and research websites
    3. Thesaurus - Synonyms for selected text can be found in a thesaurus.
  2. Language:
    1. Translate - It offers multilingual translation services for a limited number of words.
    2. Language - It specifies the presentation's default language, which will be used for proofing as well.
    1. Show Marking - Show/Hide the user comments in the slide
    2. New Comment - Add a new comment to the content that you've chosen.
    3. Edit Comment - Edit a Remark Make changes to an existing comment.
    4. Delete Comment - Removes a single comment, all comments on a single slide, or all comments in the entire presentation.
    5. Previous / Next Comment – Jumps to the next or the previous comment.
  4. Compare:
    1. Compare - Compare and contrast the current presentation with another presentation to see what changes there are.
    2. Accept / Reject - Accept or reject the differences that will be included into the current presentation.
    3. Previous / Next - Move to the previous or next difference in the comparison

End Review - Finish the review and toss out any changes that haven't been implemented.

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